Human brain

The human brain is arguably the most vital part of the body, providing key functions such as the regulation of sleep stages, hormone production and generation of bodily activity. Such processes are created through the communication of various neurons, and are achieved through corresponding neurotransmitters. The amount of neurotransmitters within the brain fluctuate continuously, and is regulated either by the brain during sleep or through means of external stimuli.

For example, our brain works in one of the two modes: sleep mode and wake mode. The transition between the two modes is governed by the brain naturally through various factors that heavily involve neurotransmitters. Despite the adept functionality of the brain, some individuals may encounter imbalances within their neurotransmitters at times, which can lead to disruptions within their sleep cycles. Many problems may arise from such disruptions that can truly hinder one’s daily routines, academics and social life. Thus, at times like this, external modulation of the brain may be necessary in order for the brain to resume its regular, natural state.

Despite the brain being an intelligent and dynamic organ, its neurotransmitters can be at times imbalanced, which leads to flaws in functionality within the brain. One example of a flaw of functionality is insomnia, which is the result of when neurotransmitters responsible for the brain’s wake and sleep mode run into an imbalanced state. In order to treat insomnia, we must return the neurotransmitters back into a balanced state. NewroCare’s mission is to provide neurophysiological devices that non-invasively modulate the brain’s activity in order to return the brain to its original balance state of neurotransmitters. PowerDreaming NPD1000-M1 is Newrocare’s first product to help treat insomnia.